6 二月

Lake & Town,这里是你的桃花源


项目简介/About the Project
顶级开发商Menkes的湖滨巨献。Lake & Town联排别墅项目将座落于多伦多市伊陶碧谷区南部Gardiner Expressway和Kipling Ave的东南角,比邻Humber College,眺望安大略湖。该项目将包含200余栋镇屋。60余万的起步价格,依湖安居,怡然自乐。
An exciting offering from top developer Menkes. The Lake & Town townhouse project will be located in the southeast corner of Gardiner Expressway and Kipling Ave, in the south of Etobicoke. The project will include more than 200 townhouse suites. With a starting price at $600,000s, you are investing in a vibrant and turely fullfillling lifestyle. 

地段介绍/About the Site

Lake&Town将成为南怡陶碧谷最具活力的社区。 这里与多伦多市中心和密西沙加市区的主要就业中心相连;与美丽的自然公园和安大略湖海滩相连;也与当地商业和餐厅相连。南怡陶碧谷(South Etobicoke)已成为工作人士和温馨家庭的理想居所。在这里,您可以兼得湖边生活的魅力以及大城市的便利。

At Lake&Town, you can discover life in South Etobicoke’s most vibrant community. Life here is all about connections; connection to major employment centres in downtown Toronto and Mississauga, connections to ample park land and beaches, and connections to local shops and restaurants. South Etobicoke has become a destination for urban professionals and families alike. Discover the charm of lake side living and the convenience of a big city, all in one incredible new community.


项目详情/Quick Facts